


Crosswind Media will come to your facility and evaluate your current systems and leverage 25 years of church media experience to empower you to take your church to a whole new level.  We aren’t trying to sell equipment.  Often, some very small changes can make a big impact.  For example: ISSUE: Speaker Coverage is uneven from front to back.  SOLUTION: Issue resolved by on-site change made of raising the output of the rear speaker amplifiers.


You know your church’s sound, lights, and video needs improvement, but where do you start?  How do you prioritize?  What equipment is the best value?  Will your church’s volunteers be able to handle the change?


We have found that a growing church is often very frustrated with the quality of their media.  Crosswind Media can coach your church on how to get the most out of your media systems and volunteers.  We can give you practical ways to raise the technical quality of your weekend service.  For example: Simply adding a “Tech Meeting” where the media team, the worship leader, and the pastor get together before the service and walk through the service flow; clarifying transitions and verifying the elements of the service.


Your church has been experiencing growth, but the technical areas are still “small church”. How do you launch your sound, lights, & video into the next orbit?  Are equipment upgrades needed? Is a new staff member needed?  Does the team just need more training?  There’s just so much potential...



Is your church considering starting another campus or a video venue?  The technical challenges of bringing a new campus online or adding a video venue are great.  How large does the screen need to be?  How bright does the projector need to be?  Do you have back-up systems? 


Crosswind Media will visit your facility, evaluate your unique situation and then give you personalized coaching for your specific needs.


Crosswind Media also offers a very cost-effective option for your church to work through the technical challenges that often arise.  Coaching calls can leverage the Crosswind experience with a simple phone call.

Crosswind Media can coach your church through the process of bringing a new campus or video venue online. Leverage the experience of bringing over 5 video venue campuses to operational status. Simple choices can often prevent a technical failure.  For example: Using a multi-lamp video projector can provide a built-in back-up to a projector lamp burning out.

If you’re not sure how coaching works, check out these 3 scenarios and see how coaching could benefit your church.

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How much ?CoachingRates.html